Archive | Cosmetic Dentistry

Whitened Teeth

Teeth Whitening Facts

Is your wedding approaching and you want your smile to be its brightest? Or maybe you have an important speaking engagement? Whatever the reason, tooth whitening isn’t just for the movie stars, and it isn’t just for one day. Many people have their teeth whitened, and probably millions more are thinking about it. The desire for a […]

Beautiful Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain Veneers—A Beautiful Alternative

What are porcelain veneers? Porcelain veneers are ultra-thin shells of ceramic material bonded to the front of teeth. They require little or no anesthesia, and can be the ideal choice for improving the appearance of the front teeth. They can mask discolorations, brighten teeth, and improve a smile. Highly resistant to permanent staining from coffee, […]

Teeth Whitening San Francisco, CA

A Brighter Smile With Teeth Whitening

No doubt about it. We’re living longer, we’re living better. All that effort put into diet and exercise is paying off. And while you’re going through your paces on the treadmill, do consider another part of you that might need a bit of improvement: your smile. With age, one of the first things to go […]